Yikes, we’re sorry to hear this happened to you! And yes, it’s possible—rare, but possible—for both headlights to go out at once. Chances are this is an electrical issue and not a problem with the headlight bulbs.
In the vast majority of these cases, the culprit is a blown fuse or relay that needs to be switched out. This can easily be done yourself with a quick visit to your local automotive parts store. Most stores will help you find the fuse or relay you need, and some might even help you change it.
If it’s not a fuse or a relay, it could be your car’s headlight switch or multifunction switch. If there’s an issue there, it’s best taken care of by a mechanic. This isn’t a cheap part to repair, and it could end up costing upwards of $300 to $400 or even more. But this is pretty rare.
If both headlights did blow out, your first step is to buy a lottery ticket, and the second step is to replace both headlights, or take it to a mechanic to get it done.
Most mechanics will replace bulbs for around $100 to $150 each. It’s still expensive, but not quite as bad as replacing a multifunction switch.
Chances are you’re just dealing with a blown fuse or relay. Fuses and relays are super cheap—you might be able to buy one with the loose change in your cupholders. Don’t let those more expensive repairs frighten you until you know for sure what caused both of your headlights to go out at the same time.
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