“Although these tips vary from state-to-state, there are a couple things you can do to prevent your insurance from being impacted by your speeding ticket amount:
Take a defensive driving course
Taking a defensive driving course:
By taking—and passing—a defensive driving course
, your ticket may be dismissed once you finish the class. Dismissed tickets will never make it on your driving record. Better yet, and it can even be done online in some circumstances.
The cost and time commitment may vary depending on the course you take, but contact your local DMV to see their approved list of courses available for you to complete.
Get a deferral
With this option, if the court deems you as guilty or you choose to plead, your ticket
will be deferred, meaning that it will not be an infraction on your driving record for the time being—generally up to one year. If you make it through the time period without receiving another ticket, you will not see the ticket on your driving record. However, get multiple tickets within that period and you should expect to see a huge increase in your insurance rate.
Deferrals are also not an automatic solution—a court judge has to approve of it first and you will most likely have to pay a fine ranging from $100 to $300.
Select mitigation
If you haven’t received a ticket in a while, opting for mitigation might be beneficial to you. What this means is that you plead guilty but are given time to explain the situation leading up to the ticket and are able to ask the judge for leniency.
Although there are no guarantees with this option, the judge has the ability to either approve your excuse and lower the ticket fine or dismiss it and leave the cost as is.
By engaging in either of these options, you may find a significant change in your ticket fine. Or, you may see your ticket wiped off your driving record altogether.”