The average property tax rate in Multnomah County, Oregon
is 0.99% which means the typical homeowner owes around $2,774 a year. Compared to the state average of 0.87%, Multnomah residents tend to pay more each year than other Oregonians. Many different factors influence our annual property tax bill—the value of your home, changing conditions of the market, and unique taxing zones you live in can all cause variations in your property tax bill. Residents of Multnomah County can expect a wide range in tax bills depending upon their particular circumstances.
Listen—we know property taxes can be confusing. Jerry
, the home and car insurance
comparison app is here to tell you what they are, how they function, and how they may affect you. Continue reading to get all of the answers to your property tax questions in Multnomah County, Oregon. Property tax 101
Here are the basics you need to know: property tax—sometimes called real estate tax—is an annual tax assessed to your property by the government.
The taxes that you pay each year help state and local budgets fund the services they provide and the employees that carry them out. This includes things like schools, the fire department, and road maintenance.
State and local governments regulate tax rates based on the fluctuating demands of their budget. These rates can change over time as conditions change, such as if the real estate market shifts or if there are pricey projects that the government needs to pay for.
What is the property tax rate in Multnomah County?
Multnomah County homeowners pay on average 0.99% in property taxes, and when combined with the median home price in the county, a typical property tax bill can run residents around $2,774 a year.
Tax rates vary throughout the county, which means that two people with the same-priced houses often pay different amounts depending upon their location. If you want to find out the exact tax rate of your property—or a prospective property—use this website
. How Multnomah County property taxes are determined
Simply put, your annual tax bill is the assessed value of your home multiplied by the tax rate set by your local and state governments.
First, your home and property must be appraised by your local tax assessor, who assigns a fair market value to your home on January 1 of each year. Your home and the land it sits on are all subject to this taxation. However, there are things that are not included in your property tax bill, including:
Personal belongings and automobiles.
Certain intangible property
Oregon has over 12,000 different tax districts, so it can be confusing to figure out what districts you are subject to. All tax rates are subject to Oregon’s budget law
, and local governments will hold community meetings to help craft appropriate tax rates for the area. Once you have your home’s assessed value and your local tax rate, you can now calculate your property tax bill.
For example, if you own a $300,000 house and your local rate is 1%, then your tax bill would be 300,000 x .01 = $3,000.
What do Multnomah County property taxes pay for?
Your property tax bill is split up between the county and the various tax districts you live in, for example, your school district and water district. Multnomah County receives around 23% of property taxes, which goes towards funding the services they provide. This includes:
Police and fire departments
Government employee’s salaries
Parks and recreation spaces
Road safety and maintenance
How to pay property taxes in Multnomah County
Property tax statements are mailed before October 25 each year, and payments are due on November 15. If the 15th falls on the weekend, payment is due the next business day.
You can pay in up to 3 installments due in November, February, and May.
The County offers several methods of payment for your annual property taxes. Take a look below to see your options:
Online: You may pay through the county website
which accepts eChecks, Debit, and Credit cards. Note that credit and debit cards incur a fee, and the county does not accept American Express. By mail: Make checks payable to Multnomah County Tax Collector and send to Multnomah County Assessment, Recording & Taxation, PO Box 2716, Portland, OR 97208-2716
In-person: You may place your payment in a dropbox or visit the office in-person at Multnomah Building 501, SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97214. Note that office hours are 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and do not require an appointment.
Through your mortgage: Many lenders allow customers to pay their property bills with their home mortgage. Contact your mortgage lender for more information on how their specific program works.
How to save money on homeowners and car insurance in Oregon
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