With an average tax rate of 0.97%, Marion County residents pay an average of $570 a year in property taxes.
Every homeowner is required to pay annual taxes on their property. The exact amount they have to pay depends on the value of their home as well as where they live.
The tax rates in a given area also will change frequently. This can make it tricky to predict precisely what your yearly property tax obligation will be.
To make things easier and help you plan your yearly budget as a homeowner, the insurance
super app Jerry
has done some research and put together this guide on property taxes in Marion County, Texas
, detailing how and when to pay your property taxes. Property tax 101
If you haven’t had to deal with property taxes before, there are some important concepts that you might not be familiar with. Take a look at these property tax basics to get up to speed.
Property taxes are imposed and collected by your local government to fund essential public works and community services
Real property such as homes, buildings, and land will be taxed
Your property tax obligation will be based on your home’s fair market value and your local tax rate. It will be calculated by your local tax assessor
Property tax rates are determined by the local government’s budget and the current market conditions – which means they will change often
Property taxes are essential for maintaining and improving the community. The local government collects them from all property owners to ensure that residents with a vested financial interest in the community contribute to the cost of keeping it safe and operational.
MORE: Is car insurance tax deductible?
What is the property tax rate in Marion County?
The average property tax rate in Marion County is 0.97% of assessed home values. This is just slightly below the national average of 1.1%, and well below the state average of 1.81%. Based on the 0.97% average, property owners in Marion County can expect to pay about $570 annually in property taxes.
How Marion County property taxes are determined
Your Marion County property tax obligation is calculated by subtracting any exceptions you may qualify for from your home’s assessed value. Then multiply the result by the effective tax rates or “millage rates” for any tax jurisdictions your property falls under.
The assessed value of your property will be determined by the Marion County Appraisal District
. This value will be calculated based on an estimation of your home’s fair market value. The effective tax rate or “millage rate” is determined by local taxing authorities, such as cities, counties, and districts. Each of these entities will determine their tax rates based on their budget. You will be responsible for paying property taxes for every tax authority that your home falls under.
What do Marion County property taxes pay for?
Texas has no income tax, so essentially all government-related expenses need to be funded by revenue from property taxes. According to the 2021 Marion County Adopted Budget
, the major areas of expenditure include, (but are not limited to): Salaries for county officials/employees
Law enforcement/Sheriff’s Office
Fire prevention and response
For a full detailed list of all county spending, you can use the link above to view the entire budget.
MORE: How to deduct a car accident from your taxes
How to pay property taxes in Marion County
In Marion County, property taxes are levied once a year and paid in a single annual payment which is due on January 31st.
Marion County property owners can pay their taxes online, by mail, or in person. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
Online: You can pay online
using a credit/debit card or an eCheck. By mail: Make a check payable to Karen Jones and send it to: P.O. Box 907 Jefferson, TX 75657.
In person: Using cash, check, or credit/debit card. The office is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (excluding County Approved Holidays) and is located at: Marion County Tax Office, 119 W Lafayette Jefferson, TX 75657.
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