The average property tax rate in Jefferson County, Indiana
, is .74%, which means residents pay about $791 (1.55% of their yearly income) a year on their home. Property taxes can influence where you choose to buy a new home and affect your overall cost of living. Given that the rates vary based on where you’re located, it’s a good idea to compare and contrast potential tax responsibilities before making the big move.
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Property tax 101
Not sure what property taxes are? Below is a snapshot of what you need to know:
Property taxes pay for things like government municipal projects and community services. They are assigned by the local government.
Property taxes are usually applied to property like homes and land
Local tax appraisers will determine your property rate based on its market value and your county’s local tax rate
Property taxes fluctuate based on market conditions and local budgets
Essentially, taxing residents’ property is how the local government funds community projects and services.
MORE: Is car insurance tax deductible?
What is the property tax rate in Jefferson County?
The average tax rate in Jefferson County is .74% of property’s assessed fair market value. This means residents pay about $791 (1.55% of their yearly income) a year in property taxes. Indiana’s state average property tax rate is .85%, ranking it the 27th highest in the country.
Check out Jefferson County's website
to see a comprehensive plan of the county’s vision for future growth and development. Property taxes will fund parts of the plan. How Jefferson County property taxes are determined
In Jefferson County, property taxes are determined by a county auditor on a property-by-property basis.
The county auditor manages your property taxes and calculates the amount owed each year based on the property’s fair market value, local government’s fiscal management, and local taxes. Any improvements or additions to your home may increase the property’s appraised value, increasing the amount of taxes owed.
If you own property in Jefferson County, you have the option to appeal an assessment made by the county auditor. If you believe you were mischarged and would like to request a reassessment, contact the Jefferson County Auditor's Office
. If the property you own in Jefferson County is your primary residence, you may be able to apply for a homestead exemption. Call the Jefferson County Auditor's Office
to learn more about this exemption program and others. Also, be sure to see if you qualify for full or partial deduction for your county property taxes on your Indiana income tax return
. What do Jefferson County property taxes pay for?
Property taxes in Jefferson County pay for a variety of services and programs, including the following:
Municipal government projects
Property taxes in Jefferson Country are allocated to the local government, never to Indiana’s state budget or the federal budget.
MORE: How to deduct a car accident from your taxes
How to pay property taxes in Jefferson County
Jefferson County property taxes are due each year on May 10th (spring installment) and November 10th (fall installment). Tax bills are mailed mid-April each year, along with two installment remittance slips—one for spring and one for fall.
Residents of Jefferson County, you have few options
to choose from when it comes to paying your property taxes. You can pay by mail, by bank, in person, or online. Here’s how: By mail: Mail your payment to the following address—the statement must accompany your payment: Jefferson County Treasurer, P.O. Box 99, Madison, IN 47250.
By bank: You may visit either of the local banks—German American Bank and Farmers Bank of Milton—to make a payment.
In person: Payment can be made in person at the Jefferson Treasurer's Office: Jefferson County Courthouse, 300 E Main Street, Madison, IN 47250. If you would like to pay by drop box, visit the Courthouse (cash payments not permitted).
Online: Online payments
are expected and will incur a service fee.
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