From water hyacinth and thistles to blackberries and jubata grass, there are seriously invasive plants in California. But how can you tell a native plant from an invasive one?
California is full of stunning plant life, from desert blooms to coastal grasses. Unfortunately, invasive species threaten native habitats and increase fire risk. If you own property, or if you’re concerned about preserving your state’s biodiversity, it’s important to learn how to recognize invasive plants in California.
, the insurance broker app created to save people money on car and home insurance
, has created this list of the most common invasive plant species (including aquatic plants!). Before you buy that cute shrub at the nursery—or admire those swamp grasses—see if they’re on this list and learn how these plants could impact your California home insurance needs. The top invasive plant species in California
1. Cape ivy
Scientific name:Delairea odorata
What it looks like: Glossy leaves with between five and nine points that grow densely, yellow flowers with long petals that bloom in winter
Why it’s a problem: Cape ivy is a serious threat in coastal areas of California, choking trees and shrubs with thick coats of foliage. Even worse, this plant is toxic for animals.
What to do: Dig it out completely. If you like the look of vines, try planting a native vine like clematis or California pipevine.
2. English ivy
Scientific name: Hedera helix
What it looks like: Glossy leaves with three to five lobes, often appearing as groundcover or on trees
Why it’s a problem:English ivy
is so powerful that native plants cannot compete. This plant spreads rapidly, destroying nearby plant life and sending deep roots into the ground. What to do: Remove English ivy by pulling or digging. You may need to apply herbicide on the leftover stumps as ivy can regrow itself from a single root left in the ground. If you like the look of vines, try desert grape for a non-invasive option.
3. Highway iceplant aka sour fig
Scientific name: Carpobrotus edulis
What it looks like: Succulent, low-growing plant that grows in mats of green with pink or yellow flowers. Often found in sandy areas on the coast or grasslands by the beach.
Why it’s a problem: They’re beautiful to look at on the freeway but iceplant is incredibly invasive. A single cutting will propagate so speedily that native plants can’t compete. Iceplant was originally planted for soil stabilization and aesthetics. Unfortunately, it is now threatening the survival of many local plant species that can’t get enough nutrients or sunlight.
What to do: Rip it out—and then make the berries into jam
! If you’re dealing with a large swath of iceplant, you may need large machinery to remove it all. Plant the native yellow stonecrop if you want bright groundcover, or try Fingertips for a native succulent greenery option. 4. French broom
Scientific name:Genista monspessulana
What it looks like: Bright yellow clustered buds atop sturdy green stems, growing closely together
Why it’s a problem: French broom may look attractive, but it doesn’t take long for this plant to grow into a dense shrub. This is a seriously aggressive species, and most animals avoid munching on it. Plus, it leaches the nutrients out of the soil and is flammable in dry conditions.
What to do: You can pull smaller plants by hand but you may need a weed wrench to rip out large stands of French broom. For a native plant with yellow flowers, try flannel bush instead. Flannel bush grows just as fast but doesn’t deplete the soil.
5. Himalayan blackberry
Scientific name: Rubus armeniacus
What it looks like: Light pink flowers, thorned stems, three to five leaves per stand, and tiny blackberries during the growing season.
Why it’s a problem:Blackberries
are one of the most recognizable shrubs on the West Coast. These massive thickets are great spots to pick berries, but they prevent new trees from growing because they prevent sunlight from reaching the undergrowth layer. When they colonize, blackberries create impassable areas for people and wildlife while degrading soil conditions. What to do: Make a long-term plan to combat the blackberries—you’ll need to be clever and persistent to fight off this native plant. Dig and cut out the canes (unless the plant is near a river bank). You can use goats but that may have a detrimental effect on native plants as well. If you like having a fruit-producing shrub, try planting Oregon grape instead.
6. Scarlet wisteria aka rattlebrush
Scientific name:Sesbania punicea
What it looks like: Rich pinkish red flowers hang off stems with compound leaves on this small deciduous shrub
Why it’s a problem: Firstly, this plant is poisonous to people and animals. Secondly, it’s begun to grow along California’s waterways which erodes the banks and leads to flooding. Worst of all, this location along waterways means that rattlebrush
seeds can easily plop into the water and spread further downstream. What to do: Wear gloves, as the sap can irritate skin. The recommended removal method is to cut the plant down and then paint the stump with herbicide. Dispose of the plants in a yard waste bin away from curious critters who might ingest them. Try planting Island Snapdragon
if you want to enjoy red blooms on a sizable shrub—pollinators and butterflies love this native plant! 7. Jubata grass
Scientific name:Cortaderia jubata
What it looks like: Tall tan stems with feather-like plumes that look ready to be photographed in an interior design magazine
Why it’s a problem: Native to the Andes, the aesthetic appeal of jubata grass has led to a serious overgrowth on the West Coast. Not only does this proliferation choke out local flora, but jubata grass creates a major fire hazard. Given the drought and climate change conditions in California, it’s important to reduce the risk of wildfire wherever possible.
What to do: First, wear protective gear. The leaf edges of jubata grass are very sharp! Pull or dig out the grass to remove it. Be aware that the tops contain thousands of seeds. You can achieve a similar look with the native crested needlegrass and deer grass.
8. Scotch broom
Scientific name:Cytisus scoparius
What it looks like: A small shrub with woody stems, tiny green leaflets, and delicate yellow blossoms
Why it’s a problem: Among invasive plants in California, Scotch broom is one of the most common. It contributes to the most common problems, too: fire risk, reducing grazable land for animals, and choking out native plants. Plus, this plant is toxic to animals.
What to do: Pull or dig out Scotch broom and then apply herbicide to ensure it’s gone for good. Scotch broom can regrow from any little stump or stem left behind, so be diligent in your application! To enjoy a bright bloom without damaging the ecosystem, try bush poppy. If you want to help restore an endangered species, plant Nevin’s barberry
instead. 9. Scotch thistle
Scientific name:Onopordum acanthium
What it looks like: Classic spiky purple or pink head on a winged stem with spiny leaves, growing up to six feet high
Why it’s a problem: This beautiful plant has some not-so-beautiful side effects, like reducing usable land for livestock and wildlife. It grows so densely (and it’s so prickly) that animals can’t traverse the land—except rodents. Thistles can be very difficult to remove due to their thick roots, so it’s wise to remove them before the plants become too established.
What to do: Dig them out while wearing protective gloves. If you’re going to mow them down, do so before they flower to prevent seeds from spreading. Don’t use grazing to reduce thistle plants
—overgrazing can encourage growth. For a similar look, plant native coyote mint which has medicinal uses and requires minimal watering. RECOMMENDEDNo spam or unwanted phone calls · No long forms
The five most invasive aquatic plants in California
From backyard ponds to regional waterways, any body of water in California could harbor one of these threatening invasive aquatic plants.
1. Water hyacinth
Scientific name:Eichhornia crassipes
What it looks like: Delicate light purple flowers with a single deep purple mark with a yellow center on one petal, tapered leaves, low-growing
Why it’s a problem: This freshwater perennial is often found in lakes and rivers in large floating sheets. While stunningly beautiful, water hyacinth clogs waterways which makes them unusable for people and animals. What’s more, they suffocate native plants that struggle to get nutrients at and below the water’s surface.
What to do: You can manually remove water hyacinth or use a floating boom to contain it and then remove it. A better native alternative is bog bean. Be very careful when using herbicides in waterways.
2. Alligatorweed aka pig weed
Scientific name:Alternanthera philoxeroides
What it looks like: Resembles white clover growing on water with spear-shaped leaves
Why it’s a problem: Alligatorweed grows into dense mats that smother local plants. Plus, they can make it difficult for people and animals to navigate waterways.
What to do: Grab a rake and put on your waders. Pull the plants towards you with the rake, removing the entire mass of plants at once. Any little bit left behind will result in new growth. Consult with a professional about safe aquatic herbicides, if necessary.
3. South American spongeplant
Scientific name:Limnobium laevigatum
What it looks like: Small thick pads that lay on top of the water, with some green buds sticking up and purple flowers
Why it’s a problem: Initially introduced as a byproduct of the aquarium industry, spongeplant creates highly damaging
thick mats and spreads fast. Its seeds are super small and they float, making it very difficult to contain an infestation once it’s begun. Spongeplants inhibit boating, challenge native fish, and threaten water infrastructure. What to do: Remove them by hand prior to seed production for the best chances at eradicating this invasive plant. In larger areas, mechanical equipment is required to remove the mats.
4. Giant salvinia aka water velvet
Scientific name:Salvinia molesta
What it looks like: Soft, ruffled leaves of light green that resemble potato chips and float atop the water
Why it’s a problem: Giant salvinia quickly grows into a clump of plants that stops water from flowing. It doesn’t take long for the lake or river to become stagnant and attract mosquitoes. These plants reduce oxygen in the water, too, which is detrimental to local flora and fauna.
What to do: You can rake salvinia mats from a pond, but they’ll quickly grow back if any plant fragments remain. You can try salvinia weevils as a means of biological management. Herbicide can be a last resort, but make sure to read the labels very carefully before applying.
5. Barb goatgrass
Scientific name: Aegilops triuncialis
What it looks like: Green stems with wheat-like strands at the top, commonly found in the foothill grasslands region of central California
Why it’s a problem: On top of threatening local plants, barb goatgrass
is very dangerous for cattle and other livestock. It can lodge in their mouths and eyes—and the poor animals cannot remove the barbs without help. Once established, it’s very difficult to remove goatgrass as the seeds spread easily. What to do: You can burn to get rid of goatgrass, but make sure you follow the research and do two consecutive years of burning. There are few approved herbicides for goatgrass but glyphosate in small patches may be effective. Mowing will fail to reduce goatgrass.
MORE:California road closures
How to save on homeowners’ insurance in California
While you can be theoretically on board with protecting your local ecosystem, there’s another implication that’s a lot closer to home than you may realize.
Fire-prone plants like grasses and Scotchbroom could increase the risk of fire damage to your property, especially if they grow close to the house.
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