If you own property in Franklin County, KS, you can expect to pay an average of $1,536 a year in property taxes. This amounts to about 2.65% of your yearly income.
Purchasing a home or relocating to a new one can be an exciting experience. It also entails a great deal of responsibility, and aspects such as the cost of living and taxes frequently play a significant role in the decision-making process. Before purchasing a new home, it's a good idea to research the property tax rates in your new prospective county—doing so might save you money in the long run.
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, staying up to date on county-specific property taxes is simple We've gathered all you need to know about Franklin County property taxes in this article so that living in this area of Kansas
doesn't come with any surprises. Property tax 101
Do you know what exactly property taxes are? Here's a quick recap:
Property taxes are used to fund community services and are distributed by the county's local government.
Property taxes are most commonly applied to real property, such as land and houses.
A local tax assessor determines your tax rate by calculating the market value of your property and the local tax rate.
Property tax rates are influenced by market conditions and local budgets.
In essence, charging residents property taxes is how the local government finances community services and projects.
What is the property tax rate in Franklin County?
The average tax rate in Franklin County is 1.31% of a property's assessed fair market value. This means that if you live in Franklin, you can expect to spend an average of $1,536 in property taxes per year, or about 2.65% of your annual income.
Check out the Franklin County website
to learn more about our township's valuation and compare levies from past tax years. How Franklin County property taxes are determined
The county tax assessor assesses property taxes in Franklin County on a property-by-property basis.
The county tax assessor is in charge of managing your property taxes and calculating the balance owed each year based on the fair market value of the property and county tax rates.
If you own property in Franklin County, you have the right to appeal the tax assessor's decision. If you believe you were mischarged and would like to protest the assessment, you will need to complete a Tax Appeal Form. The form and detailed instructions on how to complete the process can be found on the Franklin County website
. As a resident of Franklin County, you may also qualify for Homestead or a SAFESR Tax Refund. To learn more about these exemption programs and others, contact Franklin County’s Treasurer's Office
or reference Franklin County’s tax refund resource sheet
. Also, check to see if your county property taxes qualify for a full or partial deduction on your Kansas income tax return
. What do Franklin County property taxes pay for?
Franklin County uses property tax dollars to fund the following local services and community projects:
Municipal government projects
Property tax revenue in Franklin County is used for local services and is never distributed to the state or federal budgets.
How to pay property taxes in Franklin County
Property taxes in Franklin County are broken into two installments and are due twice annually: December 20th and May 10th. Payments are accepted on or before each due date listed.
When it comes to paying your property tax bill in Franklin County, you have a few options
to choose from. You can pay online, by mail, or in person. Details on how are below: Online:You can make a payment online by using the Franklin KS Treasurer website
. Note: a service fee will apply when paying your bill online. By mail: You can pay by mail using checks or payment stubs. Checks should be made out to the Franklin County Treasurer. Send your payment to the following address: 315 S. Main St., Room 107, Ottawa, KS 66067.
In-person: You can make a payment in person at the Historic Courthouse, located at the following address: 315 S. Main St., Room 107, Ottawa, KS 66067. There is also a drop box located in front of the Courthouse. Visit the Franklin County website
for information on hours of operation.
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