With an average tax rate of 1.34%, Franklin County, Massachusetts
, homeowners pay an average of $2,968 per year in property taxes. Property taxes are a huge part of owning a home. Unfortunately, since rates fluctuate depending on your location, it can be difficult to understand exactly what you’ll owe.
To help you figure out what your responsibility is in Franklin County, home and car insurance
super app Jerry
has put together a helpful guide. We’ll break down everything you need to know about Franklin County property tax, including what they pay for and how to pay them. Property tax 101
If you’re a first-time homeowner or feeling a bit lost, here are the basics of property tax:
Local governments create budgets and use property taxes from residents to pay for community services
Property taxes are paid on real property, so things like homes, buildings, and land
A tax assessor determines the property tax rates by looking at market value and local taxes
Property taxes can change year to year, depending on budgets and market conditions
When you buy a home in a community, local governments collect property taxes to ensure that you have access to everything you need as a community member.
MORE: Is car insurance tax deductible?
What is the property tax rate in Franklin County?
Franklin County’s average tax rate is 1.34% of assessed home values. This average is significantly higher than Massachusetts
’ state average of 1.04% and the national average of 1.1%. Based on this rate, residents typically pay an average of $2,968 per year in property taxes.
How Franklin County property taxes are determined
Although some counties in Massachusetts—and the rest of the nation—have county-wide assessors and tax collectors, each city in Franklin County has its own assessor and tax collector.
Each of the 26 local governments in Franklin County sets a budget, determines property value, and collects property taxes. Depending on where you live in Franklin County, your property taxes could be higher or lower than the county average.
If you feel you’ve been unfairly assessed or have issues with your property taxes, you can appeal the assessment with your local Tax Collector or Assessor’s office.
What do Franklin County property taxes pay for?
Cities and towns in Franklin County use property taxes to pay for community and regional services, like:
Sewer, waste, and water services
Each of the 26 municipalities in Franklin County is a member of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments
(FRCOG), which was previously the county’s government before being abolished in 1997. FRCOG is a voluntary membership organization that helps fund projects, programs, and assists towns and cities in Franklin County, meaning part of the property taxes residents of Franklin County pay go towards these grants and programs.
MORE: How to deduct a car accident from your taxes
How to pay property taxes in Franklin County
Since each of the 26 towns and cities in Franklin County has its own tax collector, auditor, and assessor, all property taxes are paid directly to the town or city.
Property tax due dates may vary depending on your location, as they can be quarterly or bi-annually. Most cities issue bills based on a fiscal year or July 1 to June 30.
While payment dates may vary, most municipalities in Franklin County offer the same methods of payment—online, in person, and by mail.
Online: Most towns in Franklin County have a website, which gives you access to a payment portal. Typically it is through Unibank or another third-party service.
In person: Town Hall or the Tax Collector’s Office will either have a drop box or allow you to pay during business hours. Your tax bill should list the address, and who to make the check out to.
Mail: Check your tax bill to determine who to make your check payable to and where to send it. Depending on the rules of the local government, you may be charged late fees if your payment isn’t received by the due date.
How to save money on homeowners and car insurance in Massachusetts
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