The average tax rate in Clark County, Nevada, is 0.72%, meaning residents pay an average of $1,841.00 a year in property taxes.
If you own a home in Clark County, you may know you need to pay property taxes, but might not be certain as to how to pay them or even what they do.
To help clarify things, home and auto insurance comparison
app Jerry
has compiled all you need to know about property taxes in your part of Nevada
. Keep reading for more on how and when to pay your property taxes, and the services they help to fund. Property tax 101
If you’re new to paying property tax, you may be wondering what exactly property tax is.
The local government uses funds collected from property tax to pay for public works and community services, such as education, recreation, libraries, and emergency services
Property taxes apply to “real property,” meaning property that cannot be moved, such as land, homes, and buildings
A local tax assessor will determine your property taxes based on the local tax rate and market values
Market conditions and local budgets can cause property taxes to change frequently
Property taxes are a way for the local government to collect funds from the people who have invested in living in the community by buying a home and put the money back into services that will benefit the residents.
What is the property tax rate in Clark County?
Clark County Nevada hosts an average property tax rate of 0.72%, meaning the average homeowner will pay $1,841.00 a year in property taxes. This is a little lower than the state average
of 0.84% and below the national average of 1.07%. You can find more details on Clark County’s property tax rates on the website
. How Clark County property taxes are determined
The Department of Taxation determines the tax rate for each district
. The tax rate is linked to budgets set by local governments. Your property value is determined by a local tax assessor. First, the assessor will determine the taxable value of the property, which is the market value of the land and replacement cost of improvements less depreciation.
The assessor then calculates the cost of materials and labor that would be required to replace the property, and factors in a depreciation value of 1.5% per year based on the age of the property, up to 50 years.
The assessor adds to this the value of the land, which is determined by market sales or other appraisals. Property values are updated every year.
If you disagree with the value the assessor has placed on your property, you can visit the assessor’s office and meet with an appraiser who will review their decision with you. If you still disagree, you can issue an appeal.
What do Clark County property taxes pay for?
Clark County property taxes are put toward services that are meant to benefit the community. These services include:
Other public works meant to serve the community
MORE: Is car insurance tax deductible?
How to pay property taxes in Clark County
Each year, you will receive a property tax bill in the mail. Payments are due the third Monday in August.
The County Treasurer’s office offers numerous ways to pay
your bill: Online: You can pay your property taxes by e-check
without a fee, or by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover
with a 2.19% service fee through the Treasurer Web website
. Alternatively, you can pay through your financial institution by adding Clark County Treasurer to your list of payees. Note your Parcel Number as the Account Number, and note the address as BOX 551220, Las Vegas, NV 89155-1220 By Phone: Call the automated payment system at (702) 455-4323 and select option 1 to pay by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. This will include a 2.19% service fee.
By mail: Make your check payable to Clark County Treasurer and write your parcel number on your check. Include your payment coupons and send your check to
Office of the County Treasurer, 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Box 551220, Las Vegas, NV 89155-1220
In person: Stop by the 1st-floor office behind the security desk at 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89106, between the hours of 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday to Thursday (excluding holidays). Cash, check, and debit are the only payment methods accepted. There is also a kiosk located on the first floor of the Clark County Government Center, where you can pay by e-check or, for a service fee of 2.19%, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
Drop box: If you prefer a quick drop, there’s a drop box by the pyramid on the southwest side of the County Government Center, at 500 S Grand Central Pkwy 1st Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89106. Just follow the posted signs. Check or money order made payable to Clark County Treasurer are accepted. For security reasons, please avoid cash.
Through your mortgage: If your mortgage company has an escrow to pay your taxes, you can send your property tax bill to your mortgage company for them to pay. Just write your loan number on the bill, and follow up to ensure your taxes get paid on time since the responsibility is still yours.
If your bill is for more than $100.00, you can pay in installments following this payment due date schedule
: Payment 1: 3rd Monday in August
Payment 2: 1st Monday in October
Payment 3: 1st Monday in January
Payment 4: 1st Monday in March
If payment is not made within 10 days of the due date, you will face penalties
. How to save money on homeowners and car insurance in Nevada
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