The Lexus NX 300h is a subcompact hybrid SUV that has become a consistent target for catalytic converter theft. Catalytic converter thefts continue to be a threat to vehicle owners, but you can take action to protect your NX 300h from being burglarized by parking in a secure area, having the VIN etched directly on your catalytic converter, and installing an anti-theft device, such as catalytic converter shield.
is known for its elegant SUVs, and the NX 300h is no exception. If you’ve invested in one of these luxury hybrid models, keeping it safe from harm is no doubt a top priority. Sadly, the Lexus NX 300h has become one of the most vulnerable vehicles to catalytic converter theft in the last few years.If you’re interested in learning more about what precautions you can take to prevent your NX 300h’s catalytic converter from being nabbed—including what car insurance
policy can help cover replacement costs if your cat does disappear—you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know. Is it easy to steal the catalytic converter from a Lexus NX 300h?
We hate to break it to you, but yes. Similar to the Lexus RX
, the NX 300h draws catalytic converter thieves on account of its decent ground clearance and high-quality parts. In general, SUVs sit higher off the ground than cars do, which makes it more convenient for a thief to slip underneath and remove the catalytic converter from the NX 300h’s underbody.
Even if a vehicle has multiple catalytic converters, there’s usually one affixed to the exhaust line, which runs along the vehicle’s undercarriage.
Top Lexus NX 300h years that catalytic converter thieves target
The Lexus NX 300h was in production from 2015 to 2021 and no particular model years are known to be targeted more than others.
In addition to their easily accessible locations, catalytic converters on hybrid vehicles are targeted by thieves because they often contain a more concentrated amount of precious metals. For this reason, Lexus’ hybrid SUVs, like the RX 350h, RX 450h
, and RX450hL, are also at great risk of cat theft. Why are Lexus NX 300h catalytic converters stolen?
The precious metals found within a catalytic converter are valuable. Catalytic converters are responsible for filtering toxins that make their way through the exhaust line before they can be released into the environment through the tailpipe.
The filter is made from a combination of rhodium, platinum, and palladium—and all three are hot sellers on the black market.
The value of these precious metals is why the catalytic converter has long been one of the most expensive vehicle components to replace. But recently, the price for these metallic elements has soared to astounding heights.
Here’s a look at what a single ounce of each of these metals goes for these days:
Platinum: $1,128 per ounce
Palladium: $2,938 per ounce
Rhodium: $20,000 per ounce
There’s less than one ounce of each metal in a single catalytic converter, but considering that an agile thief can remove one from a vehicle in mere minutes, chances are they steal numerous cats a day.
Lexus catalytic converter replacement cost
The MSRP for a catalytic converter for a 2021 Lexus NX 300h is $1,535.54. This price doesn’t include additional fees, like tax, shipping, and labor costs, so you’re probably looking at a final price that’s closer to two grand.
If you need to replace a stolen catalytic converter, you may want to purchase an aftermarket one instead. Just make sure that the mechanic you task with installing the new cat is willing to use an aftermarket part.
How to prevent catalytic converter theft from a Lexus NX 300h
To decrease the chances of your NX 300h falling prey to a catalytic converter theft, you may want to take the following precautions.
Park in a secure area
You’ll want to park your NX 300h in a safe spot. If you don’t have one, you can still keep your vehicle secure. Consider setting up a motion-activated light that points directly over your Lexus. It’s far less comfortable for a thief to work under a spotlight.
Having to park on the street every night might make you feel as if your NX 300h is a sitting duck, but by parking under a streetlamp—especially in an area where there’s a fair share of pedestrians, a thief may be less tempted to make a move.
Buy a catalytic converter shield
To address the widespread issue of catalytic converter theft, there are several anti-theft products on the market that will keep your cat out of the hands of criminals. Devices, such as a cat shield, cat clamp, or cat cage, are designed to make it more difficult for a catalytic converter to be cut from the exhaust line.
Thieves aim to operate quickly, so if they have to remove a safety device from your Lexus to access the cat, they’ll probably decide to go elsewhere.
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Having your NX 300h’s VIN etched onto the cat might not stop a thief from taking it, but it will make it less desirable on the black market. Having the VIN etched onto your Lexus’ catalytic converter can usually be done at a muffler shop or body shop.
Another benefit of etching the VIN on the catalytic converter is that if the part does resurface, it’ll be easy to trace it back to you.
Invest in comprehensive insurance
If you’re plagued by worries of having your Lexus NX 300h’s catalytic converter stolen, you should definitely purchase comprehensive coverage
. This is the only type of supplemental insurance coverage that will assist with reimbursing costs associated with vehicular vandalism or theft. Keep in mind that you must already have a comprehensive insurance policy in effect in order for your insurer to pay for the replacement cat. If the catalytic converter was stolen before you purchased comprehensive coverage, you’ll be forced to pay for the new one with your own money.
What to do if your Lexus NX 300h’s catalytic converter is stolen
You may not notice that your catalytic converter has been taken until your NX 300h begins to show signs of mechanical malfunction. With the absence of a catalytic converter in the exhaust line, your vehicle may start to have a laggy engine or an overheating underbody.
Once you confirm that your catalytic converter is missing, contact the policy immediately. They can check to see if any nearby security cameras captured any evidence of the theft.
Make sure you receive a copy of the incident report from the police so that you can submit this documentation to your insurance company. If you’re carrying comprehensive insurance, your insurer will chip in to pay for the replacement cat—just be aware that you’ll have to pay a deductible before the insurance money kicks in.
Can you drive a Lexus NX 300h without a catalytic converter?
Technically you can, but it is not recommended that you drive without a catalytic converter. In addition to the host of maintenance issues caused by the absence of a catalytic converter, you’ll also be unable to pass an emissions test.
If you live in a state that requires an emissions test for vehicles of a certain age before the registration can be renewed, you’ll have to replace the catalytic converter in order to continue driving your Lexus NX 300h legally.
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