2019 Toyota Tundra Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Tips

If you own a 2019 Toyota Tundra, you should know how to protect your vehicle from catalytic converter theft.
Written by R.E. Fulton
Reviewed by Melanie Reiff
A catalytic converter anti-theft shield is one of the best modes of catalytic converter protection for a 2019 Toyota Tundra
Catalytic converter statistics make one thing clear: if you own a full-size pickup truck, you need to be on the lookout for thieves. Because it’s easy to crawl underneath these high-rise automotive beasts, they’re among the most popular targets for thieves. 
If you own a 2019 Toyota Tundra, here’s what you need to know about catalytic converter theft—including how common it is, which anti-theft devices to buy, and what kind of
car insurance
you need to protect you. 

Is it easy to steal the catalytic converter from a 2019 Toyota Tundra? 

Yes. With four catalytic converters located underneath the vehicle and a ground clearance of 10.2 inches, it’s easy to tamper with or steal the front cats or rear cats from a 2019 Tundra. 
While full-size
, and
pickups are all more common targets for car thieves, you’re still at risk for a stolen catalytic converter in a 2019 Tundra. The full-size
Toyota Sequoia
SUV, mid-size
Toyota Tacoma
pickup, and mid-size
Toyota 4Runner
SUV are also vulnerable. 
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Why are 2019 Toyota Tundra catalytic converters stolen?

Catalytic converters, which reduce harmful emissions from your truck’s exhaust system, contain precious metals like rhodium, palladium, and platinum which can go for thousands of dollars per ounce on the black market. Since the price of these metals has skyrocketed in recent years, stealing catalytic converters has become a great way for unscrupulous characters to make easy money. 
And unfortunately, catalytic converters aren’t just one of the most valuable parts of your vehicle—they’re also incredibly easy to access. Because they’re located on the underbelly of your truck, it’s easy for catalytic converter thieves to crawl under and quickly cut the cat out from behind the muffler. 

2019 Toyota catalytic converter replacement cost

Brace yourself: the average cost of a catalytic converter replacement for a 2019 Toyota Tundra is between $3,700 and $3,900. Even if you can find an aftermarket part and a mechanic willing to give you a discounted rate on labor, you’re unlikely to be able to replace this part for less than $2,000. 

How to prevent catalytic converter theft from a 2019 Toyota Tundra

Because catalytic converters for the 2019 Tundra are so expensive to replace, it’s worth investing in theft prevention. Here are some of the best theft deterrents for a 2007-2021 Toyota Tundra. 

Park in a secure area

Make it hard for thieves to get to your Tundra by parking in a locked garage. If parking in a garage isn’t an option, try to find a well-lit area with motion-sensor lights and security cameras
MORE: How to tell if a parking garage is liable for a stolen or damaged car
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Install an anti-theft catalytic converter shield

A cat shield is a beautifully simple solution to catalytic converter theft woes. A typical cat shield consists of a heavy-duty stainless steel or aluminum plate fastened over the catalytic converter with security bolts
For a 2019 Tundra, you’ll want to look for a cat shield that includes add-ons like rear shields in addition to the main shield. Popular brands include
, but you can also find great products on Amazon. Check the product number to ensure proper fitment, and if you own a Tundra TRD Pro, make sure to find one that works with your truck’s off-road skid plates. 

Etch your VIN on the catalytic converter

Putting your truck’s vehicle identification number (VIN) on the catalytic converter(s) makes the parts unsellable. If a thief gets under your truck and sees a VIN etched on the cats, they’re more likely to pass up your vehicle and move on to the next target. 

Invest in comprehensive insurance

Okay, buying
comprehensive insurance
won’t do anything to prevent catalytic converter theft. But with catalytic converter theft on the rise, it’s smart to take a “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” perspective. With comprehensive coverage, you’ll be able to submit a claim to help cover the costs of replacing a stolen catalytic converter. 

What to do if your 2019 Toyota Tundra’s catalytic converter is stolen

If your 2019 Tundra’s catalytic converter has been stolen, your first step should be to contact the local authorities. The sooner you report the theft, the better your odds are of recovering the lost part. 
Even if the police can’t help you get your cat back, they’ll create and file a police report, which will help you with the next step: reporting the theft to your insurance company. If you don’t have comprehensive coverage, you won’t be able to get any insurance payout—but if you armed yourself before the fact with full coverage, you can submit a claim to cover most of the cost of a replacement (after your
, that is!). 

Can you drive a 2019 Toyota Tundra without a catalytic converter?

You can—but it’s not a sustainable long-term option. 
It’s perfectly safe to operate a vehicle without a catalytic converter. Because it’s an emissions device, it’s not essential to keeping your car in motion. But without a cat, you’ll notice: 
Maybe the most significant impact of driving without a catalytic converter is that you’ll fail any emissions testing, which could make it impossible to renew your registration in some states. For the sake of your vehicle and the planet, you’ll need to get a replacement before too long. 
MORE: How to pass emissions testing
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Oh, yeah. In fact, a 2019 Toyota Tundra has four separate catalytic converters: two in the rear, two in the front. All four of them can be stolen easily.
If you find someone attempting to lift your Tundra’s catalytic converter, report it to the police immediately. A security camera or even motion-activated lights can help to prevent theft, along with devices installed on the truck like a cat shield or cage.
Believe it or not, it’s not always obvious whether or not your catalytic converter has been stolen! Look for signs like loud, rough driving, an increase in exhaust smells, and missing parts underneath the vehicle.
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