Your 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6’s oil capacity is 6 quarts (5.6 liters). Let’s learn more about oil capacity, viscosity, and more.
Few car brands are as synonymous with offroad adventures as Jeep, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee is one of only a small handful of vehicles that blends in on the road as smoothly as it does off of it. So let’s help you take good care of that hefty 3.6-liter V6 engine by explaining how to properly change its oil.
In this guide, we’ll go over saving money by doing your own oil change. And it all starts with knowing your 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6’s oil capacity.
4.7/5 rating on the App Store | Trusted by 5+ million customers and 7 million cars 4.7/5 app rating | Trusted by 5M+ drivers 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6 Oil Capacity
Some of you might think you already know the answer to this oil capacity question. After all, the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee has a 3.6-liter engine, right? Well, that number refers to engine displacement, which is the volume of air displaced by a cylinder. That’s not the same thing as oil capacity.
If you thought that, don’t worry: it’s an easy mistake to make. But the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6’s oil capacity is actually 6 quarts or 5.6 liters. That’s how much oil you’ll want to add after draining your old oil.
What kind of oil does a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6 need?
So that’s the oil capacity covered. But what type of oil does your Cherokee need? Oil grades are sort of like car tires—it looks like technical gobblygook at first glance, but once you understand how to read this information it’s pretty straightforward.
First, the grade itself: your 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6 uses SAE 5W-20 motor oil. Jeep recommends using MOPAR, Pennzoil, or Shell Helix brands, but really any premium motor oil graded as 5W-20 will work.
Oil grades tell us the oil viscosity (how light or thick the oil is) at two different temperatures: the first number is 0°F, and the second number is 212°F. The W between them means “winter” and is used to indicate the colder measurement. Putting all of this information together, your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s engine oil has a viscosity rating of 5 in the winter (0°F), and a viscosity of 20 when the engine is running hot at 212°F. So, 5W-20.
You can use synthetic oil or non-synthetic oil, too. Your Jeep will be happy either way so long as the oil meets these specifications.
How often to change oil in a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6
Now that you know more about oil capacities and viscosities than you probably cared to learn, let’s talk about the interval between those oil changes and determine when it’s time to change your oil
. Like some other modern vehicles, your 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee will alert you when it’s time to change the oil. But as a rule, you should get an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.
Synthetic oils are usually advertised as lasting 7,500 to 10,000 miles, and experts agree that this is a safe range for synthetics, but many drivers still keep to the 3,000-mile to 5,000-mile interval regardless.
Various conditions can wear out motor oil faster, too, so it’s a good idea to check your oil yourself every once in a while to see what condition it’s in. You could do this once a month or so—just set up a recurring reminder on your phone to keep track of it—or once every two or three gas fill-ups. Change the oil if:
The oil is dark brown or black. Clean oil should look lighter brown or amber, like tea. Dirty oil will look more like soda (pop).
The oil feels gritty or coarse. This means it’s sludgy or worse, it’s got a lot of particulates that can damage your engine.
The engine sounds noisy or otherwise different. It’s a good idea to check the oil when it’s safe if this is the case.
Something smells funky, like an oil smell or a burning smell.
Your Jeep’s performance is off. It’s not accelerating as strongly or quickly as it normally does.
MORE: How long do Jeeps last?
How to change your oil and oil filter
You’ll need a few tools to change your own oil: a socket wrench, a drain pan, and an oil filter wrench. And naturally, you’ll need your six quarts of premium 5W-20 motor oil and a replacement oil filter.
Now let’s learn how to change the oil:
Run your engine for about five minutes, so it reaches its normal operating temperature. This will get the oil flowing smoother
Set the oil drain pan under the drain bolt
Remove the oil drain bolt and the washer and drain the old oil into your drain pan
While you’re waiting for the oil to drain, remove the old oil filter
Let the oil drain. Wait for it to stop dripping
Once the draining is done, install the new oil filter
Reinstall the oil drain bolt with a new washer and tighten it to 29 lb-ft of torque
Pour in your six quarts of motor oil. Be careful not to spill or let the oil splash. A funnel can help avoid spills
Put the oil fill cap back on
Start up your Grand Cherokee and let it run for about 30 seconds, then check the dipstick to make sure it’s full. Top it off as necessary.
Once you’re all done, let your Jeep run for a few minutes and watch for leaks underneath the engine. If everything went to plan, you’ll no longer see your oil pressure light
. And there you go! You just changed your own oil! It’s very important you dispose of used motor oil correctly. Place it in a sealed container and bring it to your local recycling center. Motor oil is dangerous to people and pets and extremely harmful to the environment, so please take care of it properly!
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