If you already have an existing auto insurance policy, adding an additional vehicle to that policy is usually fairly simple. Plus, some car insurance companies will offer discounted rates for multi-car policies.
If you’ve just added a vehicle to your family’s fleet, you’ll need to have it covered by quality car insurance
. We’ll go over the process of updating your insurance policy with an additional vehicle, and discuss how to make the most of your premium. How to add a car to your insurance policy
If you contact your current insurance provider, you’ll be able to easily update your insurance policy with a new vehicle, and it won’t take up much of your time at all.
Every car that you drive needs to have valid insurance coverage that meets your state’s minimum car insurance requirements. These requirements usually include bodily injury liability
coverage and property damage liability
at the very least. But that doesn’t mean you need a different policy when you get a new vehicle. Most insurance providers will simply have you add your new vehicle to your existing policy, and it might not even add all that much to your premium. Check to see if you are able to do this in your insurance company’s mobile app or website. Alternatively, you should be able to add a new car to your insurance policy by visiting your insurance agent’s office or simply calling them by phone.
Gather together your vehicle’s information and your current policy information before you get started on updating your policy. You’ll need things like your policy number, the make, model, and year of your new car, its VIN, and its plate number. You’ll also likely need to provide some personal information, like a driver’s license number and your date of birth, to confirm your identity.
4.7/5 rating on the App Store | Trusted by 5+ million customers and 7 million cars 4.7/5 app rating | Trusted by 5M+ drivers Will adding a new car increase your insurance rates?
Adding a new car will increase your overall monthly car insurance payments, but your individual rates per vehicle will decrease thanks to common multi-vehicle discounts
. According to Car and Driver
, multi-car insurance discounts usually result in 10% to 25% off your coverage, although your savings could be even higher with the right insurance provider. Pay attention to how your premium rates and deductibles change when you add a vehicle to your existing policy. It’s possible that switching insurance companies might be necessary for a multi-vehicle discount to pay off the most. Pros and cons of a multi-vehicle car insurance policy
While the positives usually outweigh the negatives when it comes to multi-vehicle auto insurance policies, there are some instances in which that might not be the case.
Simplicity—you only have to manage one policy and pay a single bill
Savings from multi-car discounts
One big payment per month rather than two payments at different times of the month
You might not need the same types of coverage for different cars
Make sure that you shop and compare between car insurance quotes from different companies. You might be able to get the best deals by getting a great multi-vehicle plan, or you might want to have two policies that provide different types or amounts of coverage.
It will all depend on what the vehicles are, what you use them for, and your driving record. For example, if you just bought a brand new vehicle, you probably want to set it up with a full-coverage
policy, while you might just want basic liability insurance and collision coverage for your older vehicle. You might also want to choose different coverage limits for different vehicles, again, depending on how they’re being used. Bear in mind that if you’re financing your new car, most lenders will require that you have a full coverage insurance plan that includes both comprehensive coverage and collision coverage.
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got me out of a bind! I bought a new car, and my existing insurance raised my prices and didn’t budge. Thankfully, Jerry got me an affordable rate without me waiting for phone calls all day.” —Felicia M.