The Toyota RAV4 has rave reviews to its name. But what is its best year? Take a look to see which RAV4s consumers love best and ones they would rather avoid.
RAV4 has been a consumer favorite for a long time now, its many features earning it high ratings in the 4-door SUV market. It’s a versatile vehicle, able to double as a family vehicle while also adapting to any lifestyle.
, the 2017 model is affordable, selling at around $15,000 and $25,000.
As with many Toyota models, the 2017 vehicle comes with many standard safety features. Its stand-out features include automatic high beams, adaptive cruise control, and forward-collision warning.
gives the model 4.8 stars for its exterior, reliability, and comfort.
On the flip side, the 2018 RAV4 had some minor customer complaints due to braking, paint, and minor steering issues, but overall, it is a great vehicle. Like its counterpart, the 2018 model is an affordable vehicle selling between $15,000 and $26,000. also gave the car 4.8 stars for performance, liability, interior, comfort, and exterior styling.
The major issue with most of these models seems to be the brakes and transmission. The 2013 RAV4 also had problems with transmission for some drivers on the site.
The drivers reported shaking and vibrating at low speeds, with the stuttering getting worse over time.
Another recent model, the 2019 Toyota RAV4, also faces the same issues as its 2013 counterpart.
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