is something you shouldn’t overlook when you have a car. To find the best insurance company, you have to compare policies and costs. However, if you’re not really sure what to look for, you might go with whatever the insurance agent tells you.
options. But the cheapest options might not give you the coverage you need, or the service you want. If you’re looking for hassle-free transactions, make sure to find reviews of a company before you sign up with them.
Every insurance company is different, and it's not always the best idea to choose a company simply because it has the lowest rates. You should look into any customer complaints with a company before choosing a provider so you know what to expect.
, here are three of the most common complaints from car owners about their insurance companies.
Your car insurance costs increase even as a safe driver
The most common complaint about car insurance is rate increases. If your premiums increase after a claim, it’s understandable. But you might be frustrated to see a premium hike even after being loyal to a company for years and having safe driving habits.
it can be even more annoying. If you have a clean driving record, it can seem unfair that your rates still increase. Policyholders that feel this way are less likely to recommend the company to their friends.
The company doesn’t fully cover the cost of repairs
Having a claim denied or the payment amount being disputed is another common complaint. One of the reasons you buy insurance is so you can quickly get your vehicle repaired or replaced without suffering from a huge financial loss. It can be frustrating when the amount paid by your company doesn’t cover the damages.
However, that’s why it’s important to understand the type of coverage you have and what’s included in your policy when you buy insurance. According to
, complaints about claims typically had to do with low settlement offers that don’t fully cover the cost of repairs, delays, and denials. The top complaint about claims was about delays.
A slow claim process means a slow resolution. This can lead to extra costs and more work on your part as you try to get the funds you need to repair or replace your car. More than half the number of policyholders who complained about slow claims said they planned to look for a new insurance company.
A lack of clear communication about coverage or costs
Miscommunication can occur in a lot of different ways with your insurance company. There might be issues when your claim is being processed, or when you’re trying to understand what’s covered in your policy and the costs. You can sometimes be left feeling misinformed or misled.
Consumers want to know exactly what they’re getting. You shouldn’t have to find out your policy has changed or that you don’t have enough coverage only after an accident.
There are plenty of insurance companies, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. You can save money on insurance by shopping around for quotes, but you might not want to go through a long process of filling out forms or making phone calls.
You also don’t want to have cheap rates but not enough coverage. You don’t have to sacrifice coverage with