With that said, have you ever wished your car could pay you back for driving it around? You might be surprised to learn that there are companies that pay to advertise on cars.
Here’s a look at some of those companies and how the process works, so you can be prepared to
Having a passive form of income is an awesome way to beef up your finances without spending the extra time working for it. Spending a little time applying the advertisements to the sides of your vehicle for a few months can be a great way to achieve that goal.
The advertisements won't damage your vehicle, and you can make about a hundred dollars extra just by driving to work and around town. In most cases, nothing special is needed for you to earn the income—just sign up and have your vehicle at the place to get the advertisement on time.
has found some of the companies that will pay to place the advertising on your car.
Some companies will, understandably, require you to pass background tests and provide picture proof of the ad on the vehicle. Read on to find out which would work best for you!
If you spend enough time within the company’s promotion area, you can qualify for a wrap for your vehicle. Application is easy—just download the app and follow the directions.
You'll have to pass a background check, drive a 2010 vehicle or higher, and be 21 with no major
in the last five years. You'll be able to earn anywhere from $150 to $450 depending on your wrap and miles. Watch out, though—there are early termination fees!
Want a more fun and interactive advertising method? StickerRide allows their drivers to choose a campaign, and then drivers have the option to participate in extra activities such as a flash mob!
Pay depends on the advertisement and the mileage you put in. The downside will be turning on the app each time you drive. But joining an advertising flash mob sounds interesting!
lists RefferalCars as one of the ways to earn more cash with your car. But there are some unique steps in this company’s process.
First, you'll have to place the decal yourself. Second, they require ongoing picture proof it is there. Lastly, if you do not drive more than 30 miles per day, you will not qualify. Pay will depend on if you chose a commission or non-commission-based campaign.
Other ways to make money with your car
Your car can help you earn an extra income in other ways. You can opt for a position with Lyft, DoorDash, or Uber and Uber Eats, but they will require that you spend your time waiting for a request to pop up on the app for you to fulfill. Using your car as a rolling billboard can be more convenient and require less input from you!
No matter how you decide to use your vehicle to earn extra cash, there is one thing you will always need—insurance.
can help you find the best insurance coverage for your budget! Allow the AI-powered app to search through the masses of quotes and present you with your best options. Jerry will even be able to help you stop coverage on your old insurance and initiate coverage on your new insurance!