For some people, a car is just a practical way of getting from point A to point B. You might not be overly concerned with how your car looks as long as it's
Gunawan is the owner of a taxi company in Indonesia, who modified his Toyota Vios in a way that The Drive said "defies all reason." Gunawan spent around $6,000 on his custom build.
He added two sets of rear tires, giving the car a total of eight wheels. It drives as a six-wheeler, and one of the extra pairs is just mounted on top of the other rear wheels.
The extra wheels are sprung, so the top set touches the bottom, and the friction turns them as the car moves. The top set of wheels replaces the original rear doors. The custom body wraps around the high wheels, giving the modified car a somewhat natural look.
There are issues with modifying a car in this way. For one, the rear seats are gone, so it's now a two-seater. Some people might only need two seats in their car, but getting rid of the back seat gives you a smaller interior and less cargo space.
Other drawbacks to these car modifications include:
Extra weight for the vehicle, without improved performance
Higher cost of maintenance with double the amount of tires
No license plate, which means you can’t drive it on public roads
Hard to resell the car
But, these types of car modifications shouldn’t be judged on how they add value or practicality to a vehicle. The extra wheels are just meant to be looked at and appreciated.